söndag 4 september 2011

Update on threading

In a previous post ("Safe threading") I talked about threading, and using the method performselectoronmainthread. This method is great for "fast-jumping" from your own thread to the applications main-thread. After using the method for a while I however realized that the method is very constricted. This resulted in a thread on StackOverflow where I asked if there is any smarter ways to jump in and out of threads. I got a great response to the question that really made my threading easier:

Well, you're already using dispatch_async. Then you should just use
     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ { ... } );
from inside your background thread to perform things on the main thread. For example,
     if ([self testServerMethod])
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
               [self showMessageBoxWithString: @"Server is working!"];
               [self threadedUIActivityRemover:nil];
            } );
        }else ...

This way of calling 

And then performing UIKit-related stuff is really smooth and much more versatile then performselectoronmainthread. 

So, that's an update to the hole Threading-colundrum. Now on to new things. 
I'm still writing on Quizer as much as I can. And it's slowly starting to take form. Next week I hope to have time to tackle the main logics of the game itself. And thats really something I'm looking forward to. 
To be able to run the app 24/7 I've invested in a small NAS that run Apache and MySql. It will be fun to see how it will handle high traffic-load etc. I'll come back to you regarding that when I'm testing the app in a few weeks!
Today I'm in school programming with my friend Ludvig. He's not the most inspired programmer today.. but after all it's sunday.. 
Ludvig at work!
//Code on!

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