torsdag 25 augusti 2011

Need faster protocol declaration!

It takes forever to define a protocol in objective C!
Please build a function (outside of IB) that let's you "Define new protocol".

This is how you do it today:
First you have to define the protocol in the class that is going to do callbacks to it's delegate.

@protocol CreateGameProtocol <NSObject>



This is put above the @interface declaration in the .h file.
Then you have to create a property for the delegate in the property section of the same .h file:

@property (weak, nonatomic) id<CreateGameProtocol> delegate;

Remember to put Weak and not strong there! Why? you do not want the to have a retain from the subclass to it's owner. Only one should own the other!

then you have to implement the protocol in the delegate class:

@interface GameViewController : UIViewController<CreateGameProtocol>

Just put the name of the protocol in "less-then, greeter then"-signs.
Remember to import the .h file of the subclass in the delegate for it to "see" the protocol!

then you have to define the callback method in the delegate .h file.

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Protocol Methods

Then you have to call the method from the subclass .m file.

    [delegate userDidCancelCreationOfGame];

And of course assign the property of "delegate" to self when you create the subclass in the delegate-class:

    createGameViewController.delegate = self;

That is what I call a hassle for something that easy....
I'm lucky there is ctrl-v ctrl-c in these situations!

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